Aurora Borealis

On August 4th the sun unleashed a significant M-class solar flare, almost crossing over to X-Flares – the most powerful flares. Today, August 5th we had Aurora visible even here in Plattsburgh! Although it was a bit cloudy out to the north I was able to get a few shots with my camera. It's funny how the Aurora was not visible with my naked eye, but with 60 second exposure time on my camera I was able to get the green Aurora in picture. Not a whole lot to say about this that the pictures can't say other than I didn't see any of this with my naked eye but a picture reveals the beautiful green light from the Aurora. Enjoy the pictures. These pictures are unedited; just long exposure pointing north.

Taken from the park in Cumberland Head.
In the middle of this image you can just make out a bright flare of light that crossed the sky and disappeared. Possible bright meteor?

The following pictures are taken from the beach in Port Kent.

They may not be the most spectacular Aurora ever photographed or seen, but considering the location, the clouds, and the light pollution I'd say it was a complete success. I'm extremely happy with the pictures I got from tonight. I have never seen, or imaged the Aurora before. I'm hoping for another chance in the near future. If you have any images please contact me via twitter, or facebook links to both are on the side bar. I would be glad to see any images you may have of the Aurora. Adirondack images would be great, but if you are in other parts of the world and have pictures that would be excellent too. 

Hope you enjoyed these pictures, and remember - just because you can't see the Aurora with your naked eye doesn't mean your camera wont. So if you have an Aurora watch in your area get out your camera and do an exposure of around a minute toward North and see what you come up with.

My settings for my camera were shutter speed 60 seconds, ISO400, F3.1.


lovely pics.shame you couldn't see it with your eye.

it is my dream to visit somewhere in the world and see a spectacular one :)
Bob said…
Great photos! I'm envious because I couldn't see them in California.

Michael Rector said…
It is a shame I couldn't see them with my eyes. Hopefully if we get some more strong solar storms.

Bob, did you try aiming a camera north? Or are you southern California?