Q & A - For The Beginners April 27, 2011 astronomy beginner astronomy beginners collimation light pollution messier mounts NGC Q and A questions and answers telescopes waning waxing +
My Favorite Planet - Earth - Happy Earth Day April 22, 2011 Earth Earth Day 2011 Energy environment Recycle Reduce Reuse +
Learning Constellations - Beginning Astronomers April 14, 2011 constellations learning skymap star map +
April 7, 2011 Viewing Session April 08, 2011 114EQ adirondacks Arcturus astromaster astronomy Big Dipper Great Cluster in Hercules Hercules M13 Saturn Ursa Major +
April 6, 2011 Viewing Session April 07, 2011 114EQ Arcturus astromaster astronomy Cancer Great Cluster in Hercules M13 M3 M44 Praesepe Saturn +